Google Analytics is necessary for every website owner because it tells the website owner the traffic stats of his/her website or blog.
It is a much-needed tool for every Blogger and SEO Professionals.
If you want to measure your website traffic, then you should know about How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger.
Here on this page, I will show you (2 Simple ways) on how to do that easily, so you can monitor the traffic stats of your blogger blog.
Are you ready to see them? follow me.
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a web analytics tool which will help you to track the website traffic and reports.
This tool was launched on 14 November 2005 of which was developed by Urchin.
However, it was later acquired by Google in November 2005.
This tool will help you to measure your Website traffic growth and conversion rate.
Google Analytics is the best and free tool for you to measure your website performance.
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Why Should You Use Google Analytics?
1. It tells the traffic statistics and provides you the traffic report also.
2. Google Analytics tells about Users, Sessions, Bounce Rate, and Session Duration of Website.
3. Real-time user data of your Website.
4. Your Website Behavior and Conversion data.
5. Website Traffic Source and Medium.
6. Audience Demographics, Interests, Locations, etc.
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How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger in (2 Easy Ways)
Before installing Google Analytics on Blogger First, You should sign up for Google Analytics.
Let’s see How to Sign Up for Google Analytics
1. Go to Google Analytics Web Page, or you can type on Google.
2. Login Google Analytics with your Gmail ID and Password.
3. It will ask you to sign up for a Google Analytics Account. So, Click on Sign up.
4. It will ask what you want to track. There are two options Website or Mobile App;
Choose Website. By default, it will show Website.

5. Put Your Website name in Account Name.
6. Put Your Website name.
7. Put your Website URL with http or https.
8. Choose Your Industry Category.
9. Choose Your Country Time Zone.
10. Click on Get Tracking Id.
11. When you click on Get Tracking Id, then it shows their Service Agreement to accept the terms. Click on I Accept.
12. It will provide you the Google Analytics tracking code and the Tracking ID.

Global Site Tag (gtag.js) is the tracking code, and UA-144743770-1 is Tracking Id.
Now, let’s see the available simple methods of how to install Google Analytics on Blogger.
First Method:
How to Install Google Analytics on Blogger by Tracking ID
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Go to Settings >>> Other.

3. Scroll down your page, and you will see Google Analytics box at the end.
Now, Paste the Tracking ID in Analytics Web Property ID.

4. Click on Save Settings in the upper right side.

So, now you have successfully installed Google Analytics to Blogger with the help of Tracking ID.
Second Method:
How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger by Tracking Code
1. Go to Themes >>> Edit HTML.

2. You will see the Theme Codes. Search for the <head> tag
3. Paste the Tracking Code after the <head> tag.

4. Click on Save theme in Red Color.
Voila! You have successfully added the Google Analytics to Blogger with the help of Tracking Code.
Google Analytics will take 24 hours to process your site traffic data.
So wait for 24 hours, and it will show how many users, sessions appear on your Blogger Website.
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How to Test if Google Analytics is Successfully installed on Blogger
1. Open your Website or Blog
2. Open another Tab and go to the Home Section in Google Analytics.
3. It will show the Active Users on the right side of the blue box.

You can also see this data in Reports.
Go to Real Time >>> Overview in Google Analytics.
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So, this is the complete procedure of How to Connect Google Analytics to Blogger with the help of tracking code and tracking ID.
You can also test if Google Analytics is successfully installed with this guide.
Implement any of these method and install Google Analytics on Blogger.
And also, use this tool early in order to measure your website traffic and get the traffic reports.
Google Analytics will help you to analyze your traffic data, and you can increase your traffic through analysis.
Hence, knowing How to Install Google Analytics on Blogger using any of these 2 simple methods is a big win for you.
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